Weight-Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Progress Pics: November-The Start (1)

I plan on posting pics once a month. Here's my November set.

This is me at 255 pounds. (ick!)

Man, my pants are doing some awkward bunching in that last photo, haha!
I must say, seeing myself in these pictures makes me realize how BIG I really am. I spoke in an earlier entry (my intro entry) about my body image, and how I see myself smaller than I am.
Well, clearly not.


  1. I am starting a picture weightloss diary. But I always have stupid expressions on my face. Duh...I love the way you shot the picture from neck down. Great idea. Thanks

  2. Try not to be TOO hard on yourself.

    I need to update my progress pics for sure. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Sheryl: I just cropped my head out :)

    Katie J: It's just a view of myself I don't often see (for a reason). I'm working on it! :)
