Weight-Loss Tracker

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

OCD about food

I am constantly looking for a snack.

Bored? Snack.
Happy? Snack.
Tired? Snack.

It doesn't matter. It's like I have to be munching on something. I reach for food even when I'm tired, hoping it will wake me up. I look in the fridge when I'm bored. I look in the fridge just as I pass by. It's a compulsion.

As part of trying to eat healthy, we've been buying healthy snacks. You know, the usual fruit and veggies. The other day, we actually made our own granola/trail mix. It was fun and easy! And tasty too. Now, the granola was made to top yogurt while the trail mix was made as a snack. Yesterday was Day 1 of granola and I must say, it was yum! What accompanied this yum was a feeling I felt at odds with: not being hungry.

I ate my yogurt and 1/4 C of granola and didn't feel hungry for hours. I felt weird. I felt like I was "missing" something. It was so unusual to not feel hungry, and furthermore not snack incessantly. I was good! I didn't eat again until my lunch. But I must say, it felt weird. It's as if food is a part of my life in ways I never thought about. My friend that is always there, tempting me and keeping me company through events and emotions that other people haven't. It's kind of weird to try and say "good-bye" to such a loyal friend.

Which is of course why I have slip-ups. More to come later.

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